Friday, February 24, 2012

Every Penny Counts!

Money.  That dirty word that no one likes to talk about.  From watching the news and reading posts on Facebook today, I think we need to talk about it.  Just a little.  This won't hurt, I promise.

Ways to Make some CASH:

  • Sell your stuff!  We all have extra "stuff" in closets, spare rooms, the garage, etc...  Get rid of it!  
    • Consignment Stores:  There are plenty of adult and children's clothing stores around town.  And let's not forget Home-to-Home in Centerville.  You can take furniture, pictures, and other household items here for consignment.
    • Garage Sale:  It's almost spring and time to plan a garage sale.  My mother, sister-in-law, and myself will be having one this year.  We have done them in the past and done well.  My recommendations:  A) Have it the first weekend of the month.  or B) If you live in or near Centerville, do it during their Annual Garage Sale Weekend.  What better way to get free advertising and customers?
    • Make what you have available:  Let's say you have two printers, but only use one.  If you are someone on Facebook and have at least 50 or so friends.... post it!  This is the first lesson in sales:  ask for the sell!  You have to tell people what you have in order for them to buy it.  
  • Online Opportunities:
    • Did you know you can take surveys online and they will pay you?  I have never done this, but know many stay-at-home mom's who do this.  Google it for more info.
    • Ebates (or other sites that are like it).  I am an online shopper.  I have about a zero tolerance for human's inside a shopping center.  And by humans, I mean teenagers who are wearing their pants down low and are just gawkward.  (Yes, I made that word up.)  If you online shop, go to the Ebates site first, find the store you want to buy from, and then click-thru the ebates site to get to your shopping store.  During the Christmas season I received a $68 check from Ebates.  
    • Coupons.  Print them.  Use them.  No more information should be needed here.  Go to for a good starting point.
    • Music downloads.... are you ready for this? is an overseas (UK or Australian) website that allows you to download music for .09¢ - .15¢ per song.  You have to create an account first and upload $25.  Then every time you download a song it subtracts it from your account balance.  It also keeps a list of all songs you have purchased/downloaded so that you can download them again FREE if needed.  
    • Auctions:  I'm not a big fan of Ebay for selling, but I have gotten some great deals here.  For our business we have used AuctionZip.  Other than computers, there is nothing in our building that we have not purchased brand new.  We have a really nice counter in our show room that we paid $50 for.  The original Invoice was in the drawer... they paid $10,000.  Perhaps that is why they went out of business?
  • Sneaky Ways to Save
    • So you know Kroger gives you .10¢ off per gallon for every $100 you spend with them, right?  And you know that you plan on spending at least $100 on your kid's summer clothes at... let's say Old Navy (or insert whatever store!).  Go to Kroger, buy a $100 gift card for that store.  You have just earned .10¢ off your gas.  And if it's during their double deal time... it could be .20¢ off.  I recently remodeled a bathroom and purchased all my Lowe's gift cards there first, and then went and bought paint, lights, etc...
    • Online "Points":  Whatever "points" program you use, put it to your advantage.  Stop thinking of it as you winning the lottery.  Choose a gift card that you will use for something valuable.  Say a gas card, or Target, or Wal-mart.  You know, places that sell toilet paper!  I mean really, do you need that Starbucks card?    
    • Aldi:  I am a strong supporter of Aldi grocery store.  Stop rolling your eyes.  Between my friend Stephanie and myself we can tell you what is good or bad.  But seriously, if you're making smoothies... who cares where you get that frozen bag of blueberries?!  Only you know!  And I'd like to go ahead and give their guacamole 5 stars.
That is it for now.  Want more great ideas?  Turn out Clark Howard or Dave Ramsey.  :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Reality Check 101

Yesterday I was at Indian Lake for the day.  After just being there a few hours reality set in.... we eat and drink a LOT at the lake.  Since I was just going to be there a short time I did not take any food with me.  (dumb)  Before heading northbound I ate my usual breakfast of eggs, bacon, and avocado.  For some reason my little brain thought I'd be okay with just this.  Around 1pm the snack foods and beers came out.  I enjoyed lots of cauliflower and too much cheese.  So far this is sounding lo-carb to you, yes?  But something is missing.... protein!!!  Real substantial protein.  It wasn't until 7pm that I ate a burger (no bun of course) and had a handful of carrots.  This was NOT enough daily food intake.  Around 3am I woke up starving!!  Again, no food at the lake house so what is a girl to do?  I got in my car and drove back to Dayton.  DUH!!!  I walked in the door and immediately ate a small piece of leftover beef with some guac.  Nighty night.

So what did this experience teach me?  I am going to have to plan, plan, and plan again.  Not only for my weekends at the lake, but just in general.  I have been very lenient the last few weeks and this needs to stop.  I kind of forgot that most people eat pasta, crackers, and more pasta like it's the norm.  I also realized that summer is just a few months away and I really need to get cracking to lose these last 10Lbs.  So food prep Sunday begins now!

On this week's menu:

Herb Rubbed Sirloin Tip Roast :  This will most likely last me a few days.  And I am one of those people who doesn't mind eating the same food repeatedly.  Except for chili.  I pretty much killed myself on chili a few months ago and can't even look at a bowl of it now.  #ruinedforlife

Blueberry Muffins:  Ok, so these aren't the greatest paleo things to make, but for me they are very handy.  On mornings when I am running late (too often), I can just grab these and go.  I also only have about 45 minutes between work and crossfit so eating one of these helps get me through the workout.  They are full of protein and fiber.

Sun-dried Tomato Bake Chicken:  This is the easiest recipe EVER.  I also like to add mushrooms and onions to it.  Make it with a side of spinach salad and you will have a great meal.

Veggies:  Pick your fancy.  Cut, slice, or dice them ahead of time so you have no excuse.  (Hence today for me)  And don't be afraid to add seasoning.  When I first started making veggies I would only add salt.  Boring.  Now I add garlic, paprika, basil, etc...  Just depends on the dish.

Monday, February 13, 2012

February Update

I'm finding it hard to believe that it is already February 13th.  Seriously, where does the time go?  I foresee flip-flop season approaching!  Are you ready?

I recently returned from cruising with my mom to Mexico.  We had a great time!  I now have a tan which will last for about one week due to the OH-IO cold.

This is me and my mom's 3rd cruise together.  For the record, on the first cruise I gained almost 10Lbs.  Yes, you read that right!  On the 2nd cruise I gained 5Lbs.  On the 3rd cruise, I lost a pound!  Proof positive that eating and exercise combined make a huge difference!  My mom and I exercised daily.  She would walk the full ship while I ran.  I made it six times around without stopping!  That is 2.5 miles and the first time I have ever jogged that far without stopping (or feeling like I was going to collapse).  On other days I would go to the gym and make up my own wods (90 sec row, 30 sec rest, 90 sec plank, 30 sec rest, 90 sec sit ups, 30 sec rest, 90 sec squats, 30 sec rest.  Repeat 5 times.)  At one point my mother looked at me and said, "Please don't hurt yourself, I won't be able to get home without you."  She is one funny momma.

This is one of the meals.  Lobster and shrimp with veggies and rice.  I did not eat the rice.  Not going to lie, I did eat frozen yogurt EVERY SINGLE DAY!  And yes, it was worth it.  Did I mention I still lost a pound?  HAHA!

Recently I have come in contact with many people who ask me how often I workout.  Or they make comments that I'm a gym rat.  So, I just want to take this moment to clear that up..... I go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday nights.  And I occasionally throw in a Saturday when my schedule allows it.  For the love of Pete people, it has taken me 37 years to realize this so I'm going to let you in on the secret..... what you put in your mouth is what appears on your thighs.  If you eat crap, you're going to look and feel like crap. Period.  You have to have the will, it's not in a pill.

It is truly strange for me to hear people call me little.  I have looked at this picture above multiple times in the past week and said to myself - that's really you.  I can't wait to see what the next year brings!  Hopefully I am ripped like some of my fellow crossfitters.  (Val S., I'm talking to you.)