It's been a long time, 2 years to be exact, since I've posted. But I feel with today's current economic condition that I need to get back to airing what is on my chest. Today's rant : Price Increases.
For the past year or longer I have been cutting coupons, shopping at Aldi's, and stocking up on goods when I find deals. Many have thought that I have officially gone crazy. But now it seems like the reality is starting to set in. Just yesterday Hershey's announced they will be increasing their prices 10%. News makers are warning us gasoline will reach $7 per gallon by the end of the year. And the cost of standard groceries will see a 10-15% increase this year. So what does all this mean?
It's time to cut back. Find balance. If you didn't cut coupons before, start. There are some great websites out there that will email you weekly with all the local store savings. You can also print coupons directly from your computer. And even better, stock up. It's not like toilet paper is going to go bad. Come on people, think! Do you have rewards points that are collecting dust. Turn them in. And yes, I know it's a "reward" but that doesn't mean you get to congratulate yourself. I mean seriously, you're getting rewards for spending money and going into debt?! Once again... think about this. Turn those points in for things that you use and need. Like a gas card. Not Starbucks.
So I know you're thinking, "Heather, you own a company and are doing good. Why do you care?". Honestly, I didn't get where I am today by buying foo-foo drinks at Starbucks. I cut pennies any way I can. Don't get me wrong, I still go to Indian Lake. And I will fill that boat up with $5/gallon gasoline a few times this year. But I also buy my shorts at Goodwill. ;) Balance.
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