Let's start with an update... I'm still doing Crossfit, I still eat about 80/20 Paleo, I haven't gained any weight, I still sell cables for a living, and I still have an amazing boyfriend. Ok, now that that is over.... let's move on....
I have heard from strangers and those who know me (or any crossfitter) that they think we have some super human ability when we workout. So today I thought I would show you my thought process before, during, and after a workout.
Alarm sounds at 5:30am I roll over and immediately pick up my phone and go to the Centerville Crossfit website to see what the wod (workout of day) is. Oh holy crap. Run a mile! 20 heavy dead lifts! 30 BURPEES!! 40 hand release pushups! End with am 800 meter run!! Who in the hell is writing this month's wods? It's too early for this. I'll just do it tonight. No, you can't tonight....It's going to be 95 degrees and you will die if you do it tonight. Get up! No. Get up! Fine!
6am: Stroll in to CCF. Warm up with 4 minutes on the rower (my body begins to realize it's about to get a beat down) followed by stretches. Next we get our bars ready for dead lifts. My warm up is 10 DL's at 65Lbs. This is kinda heavy for 6am. Casey, the trainer, then tells us to add more weight. I bump it up to 115Lbs. Oh yeah, this will be fine. Casey walks over, "Heather, you can do more than that!" Crap, I've been called out. Heavy sigh. I'm now at 135Lbs for deadlifts. And so the wod begins....
3 - 2 - 1 - GO!!!
Run a mile (5 times around the building)
Lap 1: Ok, remember to breathe correctly. No stomach cramps today. You can do this!!!
Lap 2: You've got a good pace Stace. Keep it up. You can totally make it all 5 without walking. Come on! Don't stop!!!
Lap 3: Whew, it's getting warm out. Only two more to go. Please lord, don't let me die here today.
Lap 4: Seriously, who keeps putting running in the wods!? I'm going to kill one of them. Mitch? Becky? Casey? Naturally-in-shape people! I hate them all!
Lap 5: Last lap. Maybe I'll just walk a little. No, don't. You can do this. Just keep going. This is it. The worst is almost over.
20 Heavy Dead Lifts : Ok, just catch your breath. Deep breath. Chalk on hands. And lift!! Holy crap that's heavy. Do it in 3's. GO! Around #15... I can't do this. I should just quit and go home. That way I can look half way decent for work today. No you pansy, lift the damn bar!! You've come this far this past year and you're going to quit?! GO!
30 Burpees: Seriously Mitch Lyons. I hate you. I hate your gym. I hate working out. I need a towel!! Look at this sweat just dripping off my face. This is ridiculous. I'm 38 years old. Why do I do this to myself? I could be at home making eggs and bacon right now.
40 Hand Release Push Ups: This is it. You rock push ups. Time to kick some ass and just go! Holy puddle of sweat beneath me. HAHAHA.... so long fat! God I love crossfit! I love this gym. I love these people! BAM... run!!!!!
800 Meter Run: A few (literally) feet into the run.... I can't feel my arms. Holy crap. I'm going to fall over. My legs are jello. I begin to walk due to the usual pain/cramp in my side. Ok, everyone has told me to watch my breathing. BREATHE RIGHT!!!! Pain is gone... running begins again.
24 minutes and 3 seconds. It's over. Oh thank you God, it's over! Way to go, you did it. "Great job everyone!!!" That felt awesome.
Pretty much every workout contains some type of thought process to this extent. You MUST push through it. The mind is a terrible thing. I could have easily not given 100% today. I could have easily rolled over and stayed in bed. I could have easily left early. Luckily, that other angel on my shoulder kicked some mental butt this morning.
I really enjoy the fact that you call yourself a pansy while working out. I was laughing pretty hard by the end of this post! I think you just about summed it all up here :)