Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bring It 2012!

Happy New Year!!!

As I sit here and think back on this year I realize how truly blessed I am.  We can all come up with things in our lives that we feel like we are missing.... say a husband or kids for me.  But when I take a step back and realize everything else that I do have, wowza! am I ever blessed!!

So it's December 31, 2011.  A year ago I promised myself I would lose weight and get fit.  Now, I am 32Lbs less and able to lift more weight than I ever imagined.  Physically this year has been amazing.  And actually, this year has been pretty amazing in every aspect of my life.  Emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc....  It all kind of goes hand in hand when you decide to work on it.

So what are my goals for 2012?  And yes, I said goals.  I think the word "goal" sounds so much better than a "resolution".  I actually created a very detailed spreadsheet that hits almost every point of one's life, but I will give you my fitness/health goals:

  • Run (not walk, RUN) the Harrigan's 5K on St. Patty's Day
  • Hand stand push-ups, double unders, and kipping pull-ups... you will be mine by this time next year!
  • 20Lbs less by May.... hello swimsuit season
  • Continue to eat Paleo
  • Of course, continue losing weight and gaining muscle with my Centerville Crossfit family.... they ROCK!
2011 Before and After